The CoMotion 2024 Title sequence: The Nature System


CoMotion is a student-led motion graphics conferences hosted by MOMELove at SCAD. I was part of the design team that worked on the title sequence and panel designs.

When looking at nature, we often reduce beauty to its exterior, fixating on colorful landscapes and scenery. However, beneath this world of color lies an equally beautiful design system. Nature is the greatest engineer, architect and designer. From the beginning to the creation of life, the strands that make up the web of life are interwoven with a design system—the nature system.

I contributed to the development of the observational chapter within the title sequence, undergoing multiple iterations to achieve the distinctive appearance reminiscent of old textbooks. Our creative exploration centered around the themes of symmetry and life studies.


Design: Cynthia Soe, Haze Nguyen, Tiffany Tedy

2D Animation: Kai Lin, Lauren Neu

3D Animation: Phirada Kanjanangkulpunt, J.C. Petrofsky



When designing the style frames, we have to be very careful with the details in the illustrations as well as the type. Using the right tone of black and brush has a very unique effect on the outcome.


I was one of the designer/animator along side Haze Nguyen, we worked on the looped 4K 10-second animated deliverable at CoMotion. While aligning with CoMotion's overall design language, the challenge was to create a distinct design from the title cards developed by the graphic design team. The design needed to seamlessly adapt to different panels with an unconfirmed number of panelists, leading us to create numerous variations. The final designs underwent modifications to ensure legibility and functionality, especially considering their visibility while chairs were on stage.

Establishing a clear hierarchy for titles, panel/company information, and moderator details was crucial to the project's success



Creative Director: Kyle Switzer, Muskaan Sethi
Lead Animator: Isabelle K Winarto
Animators: Jiaru Yang, Lauren Neu, Linxuan Wang, Sean Shelton, Tzu Kai Lin, Valentina Gil Duque, Xinyue Gu, Davis Hardy, J.C. Petrofsky, Phirada Kanjanangkulpunt, Qi Qi
Lead Designer: Tiffany Tedy
Designers: Xinxun Liao, Phyllis Zhao, Haze Nguyen, Danna Macias, Cynthia Soe, Chaoran Xu, Sarah Wellman
Lead Graphic Designer: Reem Hinedi
Producers: Rachel Golla, Alexis Dow
Graphic Designers: Aatreyi Singh, Alessia Piccoliori, Charlotte Beck, Claire Lin, Emily Strycharz, Gauthier Bossuyt
Producers: Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon, Sophia D’Alleva
Experiential: Eliezer Garcia Gazaui, Jinkyu Kang, Gabriel Medina, Hannah Ford
Web Developers: Amadeus Cameron, Chi Quach
Composer: Seth Marques


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